Sunday, May 16, 2010

a FULL day in SUN

Saturday was the first day we had dad home, in a long time.
He has been teaching for several months (or playing golf),
so we did all we could with him around.
First it was off to Kaipo's game.
Of course dad is GOOD LUCK cuz,
the 2 times dad has come, Kaipo scores a goal
(not all the other times mom goes SOLO to support him).
After his game we headed to the park for a
Community Bike Fair, where the kids got
to play some games, meet Clifford & McGruff
and have some pizza for lunch.
Can't beat all that FREE fun!

We also played tennis, did some yard work,
rode daddy's motorcycle and spent as much
time outside as possible, because it was such
a BEAUTIFUL, absolutely PERFECT day.
(I even got my first slight sunburn of the year)
We are soo ready for summer!


Jamie and Family said...

Grass looks great!!! Such a relief!

A motorcycle? Wow!

You are a brave woman toting four kids around solo all the time!

And what a nice Mother's Day! The lei is a fun tradition.

You still look 25 too!

Jodi Orgill Brown said...

What a wonderful day outside! We spent the whole day Saturday outside, too, and I got a sunburn on my arms! :) It was great! We are sooo ready for spring weather. I can wait for the really hot days, but I long to feel the sun on my face and see everything come into bloom!

Oh, and way to go, Kaipo for the goal! ;)

Allan and Diane said...

Wow-looks like Saturday was PERFECT for your family. Lots of fun kid things at the park. Love the feel of that sun?????