Sunday, January 10, 2010


Nalu went for his 2 month check-up, got 5 shots and his rotavirus oral dose.
These are his stats:
weight-12.1 lbs, 75th percentile
height-23 inches, 60th percentile
He is pretty compariable to Ash at this age.
I am going to start having him sleep in the crib this week and see how that goes.
I would imagine it will be much more comfortable AND spacious than the basinet.
Plus, I am excited to put up his new bedding!! (Pics to come)

Ash is still potty training and doing pretty well. He isn't to the point of telling me he needs to go, but he will go on the potty if I remember to make him go regularly. He has yet to go poop in the toilet again, since that first day. Now I just find a nice surprise in his pull-up when we try and go potty, or we smell it sooner. I haven't been brave or patient enough to have him in underwear yet. I think HE needs to be controlling it, not ME b4 we try underwear.

*Note to self-don't start potty training AND transition beds in the same week!


Allan and Diane said...

Life moves on and is never dull at your house. Hopefully little Nalu will love his new crib and sleep the night!!!!!!!!!!