Saturday, January 24, 2009

Girls Night Out!

One of the cute Young Women in our ward
invited us to her special night.
Having grown up in central california you'd
think I would have attended a
Quinceneria Celebration at least once,
but this was my first.
Ame and Mommy had a date night tonight,
and Ame was so excited to go, even though she didn't really
even know what we were going to be doing.
She did say on the way home that this date was by far
her most favorite one. She is already requesting
to have one of these kind of celebrations
when SHE turns 15.
HHMMM, we'll have to see about that :)
Ame LOVED Lindsay's beautiful gown,
and admired all the BIG kids all dressed up.
I soo wish I would have had my camera,
Ame had a blast dancing with her friends,
doing the Hokey Pokey, YMCA, and lots of
other fun dances. Mom even joined her
a few times on the dance floor.
I don't feel too OLD very often, but I sure
did tonight! I think this is the time when
I start living through my kids, to TRY and
feel young again!!


Allan and Diane said...

Well I was a bit shocked that they are having a Quincenita right there in Riverdale. I bet Ame thought she had gone to the "Cinderella Ball". How fun that you two went together. Hope she doesn't remember this when she turns 16 !!(or is it 14??)
Where was the camera for this fun?