Our Christmas Eve Celebrations began
with the short Luke 2 video, after which
the kids ACTED out the nativity as Dad
read it aloud.
We knew Nalu wouldn't ACT the
part of baby Jesus, so we opted to
have a doll instead and let him be a
Wiseman, and a cute one at that!!
(an Asplund tradition that WE have continued)
in which we write a special note to each member
of the family. Then the kids watched
Mr. Krueger's Christmas while mom
made homemade eggnog and set out the
NON-homemade cookies (no time, energy OR
desire to make cookies this year, plus I am just
NOT very good at making sugar cookies).
to leave with his cookies and milk.
and got ready for bed.
Then the last thing before hitting the hay
was to spread some REINDEER food.
then it was LIGHTS OUT.
Surprisingly they all went to bed
with not too much of a challenge,
thank goodness cuz there were last minute
preparations to be made!?!
Bright and early the kids were up-
6AM, but mom said no presents
until at least 6:30.
Then the gift giving began.......
GRandma Frankie. It was this
pretend butterfly in a glass jar, and I am not
even sure how it works (some sort of
magnetism). But it flutters, flies and
looks just like a real one.
gifts the kids made at school, they were
the best by far (although I am very much looking
forward to using the
massage gift certificate Quinn got me).
(we may attempt to set it up in the basement
or the garage for the winter)
in their stockings (thank goodness it
was only bubble gum)
well after all the presents and craziness
were over! But they did bring some of their
own Holiday cheer, with a cute book
which they had recorded their voices reading
Twas the Night Before Christmas.
Grandpa Kimo also gave us a recorded
book of him singing Frosty the Snowman.
Wonderful treasures to have for years to come!
out just telling about and showing all they got!
But we were sooo thankful to have them
here this Christmas, and already know
we will be missing them next year!!
from Jason and LeAnne when they moved.
It is awesome and Nalu is already
the interactive dog.
She was dying to have it!
She knows this is the closest
She was dying to have it!
She knows this is the closest
she will get to the real thing for
a LONG time. But seeing her
interact and play with this
thing does make me feel a little
bad she doesn't have a real dog
(but NOT bad enough to get her one)!
Motor Skooter
#1 was a DS, but mom just wasn't
#1 was a DS, but mom just wasn't
down with that one, and glad Santa decided
against it as well, since Kaipo is already
addicted to the Wii, I-phone, computer.
He just doesn't need anything else electronic
to waste time with!
Getting the skooter worked out perfectly
since his push skooter broke just a few weeks ago.
Since it was SNOWING outside he
Since it was SNOWING outside he
was trying the NEW one out in the basement...
The hoop will stay here all winter
and bring him (and the others) hours
of exercise and entertainment. We
will have quite the players come summer time!!
a peek at Christmas with the Hanamaikai's.
We did join my parents and sister (and her family)
for a WONDERFUL dinner, dessert and more
presents later in the evening.
My parents also shared a beautiful short video
of Christ that I had never seen before,
but definitely want to find (they got it from
neighbors as a gift). It was the perfect
ending to our CHRISTmas day!!
We definitely had a grand day and are very thankful
for the generosity of our families. They
truly made this a WONDERFUL Christmas
for our little family. Not just for the gifts (and money)
but for the love and memories made!!
And most of all we are grateful for this Season
we have been able to reflect on and grow closer
to our loving Savior. We really tried to help our
children focus on HIM this CHRISTmas!
WE are truly blessed to know of HIM and feel of HIS love.
WE are truly blessed to know of HIM and feel of HIS love.
Happy New Year to all!
Hope YOU have found the same happiness this Season.
Hope YOU have found the same happiness this Season.